Christian Books on Death And Dying;
Mourning and Grieving;
Eternal Life
Catholic authors—priests, professors, professionals— write on the subjects of the death of loved ones, mourning, and what we as Christians believe happens after one’s death.
They are proficient at moving us toward healing. Many of those who have lost close family or friends from Covid-19 will find solace and understanding through the wisdom of these care-givers and theologians.
In the end, we turn to our faith for comfort and understanding.
These books help us to understand how to deal with the untimely death of an innocent child, comfort people during mourning of the loss of a close loved one, and support the grieving process that is so important to healing.
They enable us to come to an adult understanding of our role—and God’s role!—in death and eternal life.
One book is particularly beneficial for those wishing to simply understand the spirituality found in the human conditions of birth, physical or mental impairment, and dying, a book inspired by Pope St. John Paul’s moral theology, which has come to be known as his “Theology of the Body.”
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”St. Augustine of Hippo